Shine Time Idol (Fundraiser for Shine Time Foundation)

WE ARE HAVING A FUN FILLED FUNDRAISER for our non profit organization, Shine Time Foundation, COMING UP ON FRIDAY, FEB. 26TH from 7 to 9 pm! Come join us for SHINE TIME IDOL! This will be a family event for all ages. Compete in our singing contest, or just watch and cheer on your favorite singer! We even have a special voice enhancing microphone so everyone can sound like a true SuperStar! The singer with the most votes will win a trophy, so be sure to bring your fan club! After the singing competition, we will have a dance party and games smile emoticon Parents can either drop their children off for this event or stay for the fun! The cost is only $10 per person and all proceeds will go toward creating Dreams Come True Days for children battling cancer. This event is open to the public and will take place at Higher Vision Studios.

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